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Wanna Come To My Place For Karaage?


Izakaya's (Japanese pubs) are far from lacking in Japan. I mean what's there to hate? The menus are packed with a variety of dishes and drinks. Their usually are big crowds with friendly people and typically the service is quite good. We got all that and a bag of chips at a place called "Orenchikuru?" literally meaning "Wanna come...

This Japanese Pudding Has A Cute Way into Pudding


While in Nagoya station we stopped by a cute little cafe called Cafe Gentiane: Pyorin, famous for their chick pudding. Although at first we felt guilty about plunging a metal utensil through this adorable delight, after having a taste we were without regrets. These little babies are delicious, and the layers of frosting, and pudding before making your way to...

Spicy Hot Pot That Will Warm You Up On A Chilly Day


I don't care what anyone says but spicy food is a necessity of life. The way the flavors hit your tongue is a completely different sensation than other kinds of foods. However, if you over do it, you might not be able to get the full amount of flavor from the dish. No worries though because we found a...

Super Fluffy Pancakes That Are to Die For!


Fluffy pancakes seem to be all the rage here in Japan lately. Go to places like Harajuku and you will just see shop after shop on the same street advertising how soft and bouncy their pancakes are. Mike and I had to see what all the fuss was about so we headed over to Minato Mirai World Porter's Gram...

Cheap Hot Pot Place With a Great View


If you haven't already figured it out, we are a huge fan of Minto Mirai's World Porters. The reason is simple. They just have a lot of places to eat at a reasonable price. Today on the menu is hot pot (shabu shabu) at a place called Shabu-Yo. I'll start off by saying that lunch will cost you between...

Go Here for Your Coffee & Hand Pies in Tokyo


Passing through Harajuku, we came across a great cafe that has delicious hand pies, good coffee, and the perfect atmosphere to relax with a book. The exterior of the place was quite nice, and there was a lot of out door seating. Inside you can see they went with a cottage like style, as everything in the place was...

Great Japanese Set Meal in The Suburbs of Koenji


Most of my friends get annoyed when I talk about Kouenji. Why? Because I can't stop talking about it. The live music scene is great, the old narrow streets full of thrift shops, and of course, THE FOOD!! Today we visited one of my favorite Japanese set meal places (定食屋), Daichan (大ちゃん). Just to give you some backstory, I lived...

Dutch Pancakes in Kawasaki can Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth


From the sweet tooth we got visiting Yokohama's Vanilla Beans cafe, we searched for more sweet delights that could satisfy our hunger. And we happened to find it with Rosie's Cafe, located in Kawasaki's Lozona shopping center. Rosie's prides itself with it's dutch style pancakes (baby pancakes) that can be made into a savery main course, or a delicious...

Japanese Hamburg Steak Done Right With Stone Burg


Although steaks are not unique to only Japan, their take on hamburg steak is quite refreshing. To give you a good example of this, we visited Stone Burg in Kawasaki's Lazona. Lazona is a massive shopping area in just outside of Kawasaki station. Besides the array of clothes apparel stores and large departments, there are also a handful of...

Vanilla Beans is a Sanctuary for Chocoholics


Before walking into this store, I really considered whether it was worth pushing myself closer to the diabetic range just to enjoy some chocolate. In general the answer would be a no, but because it is our duty to bring you the best places to dine in Japan, well sometimes I have to make some sacrifices. Let me tell...


Rare and Exotic Eats in Yokohama Punish Your Tongue never thought the day would come where I would sit down and stuff a cockroach in my mouth. Well I did just that...