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Monster Hunter Bar Game Fan Must To Go in Shinjuku 2018


There is no reason for you to refuse visiting this fantastic bar if you’re a big fan of video games——Monster Hunter World themed. If you are a game fan, I am very sure this game is still displayed on your PSN’s friend list. Last week I visited Monster Hunter  Bar located in Shinjuku. Not only was the environment 100% based...

Great Standing Bar in Yokahama that makes you feel the essence of Japan


I love standing bars. As a matter of fact, I spend 2-3 days a week grabbing some food and drinks there. The atmosphere gets you pumped up with waiters/waitresses bustling about the place, bringing highballs, beer and the like to your table. However, some places get so busy it's hard for the staff to keep that golden smile up...

Sing Anime Songs Here to Feed Your Otaku Desires | STARS


Something that has been popping up more in Japan's otaku sub-culture is anisong karaoke, a place where you can sing anime songs. Anime isn't anything new to us in the west, but recently I can't help but feel that more and more people are becoming more interesting in the intro and outros songs of various anime. Of course here...

LUIDA’S BAR is Everything You Could Expect From Dragon Quest


As a recent fan of the "Dragon Quest series" (I started with the recent "Dragon Quest XI"), I can say I was thoroughly pleased with LUIDA'S BAR. Of course the inside of the place is everything you can expect from "Dragon Quest": legendary swords from the heroes of the series are mounted on the wall, giant barrels sat vertically to...

Shooting them guns and drinking that beer at GET@City


I frequent drinking around the Noge area in Yokohama, and so when I learned about GET@City and how they have a gun range where you can shoot a wide arsenal of firearms. They had 2 courses, 2500 yen (US $22) for 1 hour all you can shoot and drink, and 2 hours with the same deal at 4000 yen....

Yokocho in Ebisu is Foodie Paradise


Having gone to a great bar just last week in Ebisu, we felt compelled to make our way back. This time instead of just focusing on drinks, we waiting to hit it all in one fell swoop at Yokocho, a small food district there. I had heard wonderful things in the past so it was time to put those...

Ebisu’s Bar Tram is a Classy Dive


Having a night out on the town, everyone just is looking for that place they can sip on martini like James Bond while looking extraordinary classy. We made have found just that with Bar Tram a bar specializing in absinthe based in Ebisu, Tokyo. A smart English Chap greets you right before making your way upstairs. A coffee house by day...

Thrash Zone Has 2 Essentials, Beer And Meatballs


You know what makes people happy? Beer. It's a very simple solution for happiness, but unfortunately it's not always easy to find really good beer in Japan. Enter Thrash Zone, an amazing bar that offers great beer, tasty mini meatballs, and horrendous grunge rock music right in Kannai, Yokohama. Beer Beer and Beer! Beers vary in price, but you can expect 7...

Capcom Bar Lets You Game While You Drink

Themed cafes and bars is what we love. So it's no surprise after our visit to the Tokyo Ghoul Cafe that we would show up here at the Capcom Bar, located in Shinjuku. Inside the cafe you can see lots of famous characters. We decided to seat ourselves in the gaming area. While you wait for your food (or afterwards), you...


Sunshine Aquarium, Has Flying Penguins

Hey Rose here! It's been pretty hot outside lately huh... However, today we found a nice place where we can cool off. Everyone, how...